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Python and Junior Developers

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I wanted to talk about this ever since I started feeling confident enough to say “I KNOW Python” (a bit cocky of me since I have a lot to learn of course, but you understand the point). As everyone reading this probably knows, Python has an extremely simple syntax, the typical coding example you may show to someone that has never coded before reads just as plain English language in most of it.

The Problem: Overconfidence vs Competence

What I’ve found is that this provides some so called “Software Engineers” (as self proclaimed in their portfolios and resumes) with the illusion of possessing great programming skills and deserve a job straight away. Don't get me wrong, it is to celebrate that there is a language that empowers newcomers so much, but still, as said in the title, there is a great difference between being competent up to some extent, and just being overconfident.

What I'm trying to say is that, this is a problem I feel is not addressed often nor well enough, and it is similar to what I like to call “The React myriad” in web development, where you find a lot of “self taught developers” everywhere that pretend to be web devs, wielding their To-Do apps as mighty swords of engineering, without having basic HTML knowledge.

And then you ask this “Python devs” to implement some coding example that is not really that complicated if we are being honest, like some iterator:

class PrimeGenerator:
    def __init__(self):
        self._sieve = {}  # Dictionary for sieve storage
        self.current = 2  # Start checking from 2

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self) -> int:
        while self.current in self._sieve:
            # Move multiples to their next multiple
            for prime in self._sieve[self.current]:
                self._sieve.setdefault(prime + self.current, []).append(prime)
            del self._sieve[self.current]
            self.current += 1
        # Found a prime
        self._sieve[self.current * 2] = [self.current]
        prime = self.current
        self.current += 1
        return prime

    def take(self, n: int) -> list[int]:
        return [next(self) for _ in range(n)]

They may not even know what to do, some of them having no clue or previous knowledge of the yield keyword existing in Python, neither what __iter__ or __next__ are or why they should be used rather than creating a custom method yourself.

As you can see this is a pretty straight forward example that well explained should present no problem to anyone that has been learning how to code for a while. The little quircks that show if you actually know the language, the tool, you claim to know. Just 27 lines of python code are demonstraiting key concepts like custom iterators, generator logic, and algorithmic efficiency, which to may of you are probably a no brainer, but of course that new people need to learn it at some point, and not fall into Dunning-Kruger syndrome. As a result of this they may even dismiss more complex features as unnecessary and not worth the time to learn, deepening even more the gap between surface level semantics and the actual richness of the language.

This makes me honestly sad since I love this language for being so versatile and adaptable for many use cases, but still these people give it a bad name, making it a toy language or making it seem like it has bad DX (which I understand that to a certain extent is a subjective quality to have) although it not being like this for a lot of people that use it daily.

YouTube tutorial syndrome

A major contributor to this issue is what I like to call the "YouTube Tutorial Syndrome." Online tutorials are fantastic starting points, but they tend to focus on replication rather than understanding. A developer may follow along with a video to create a simple application but struggle to extend or modify it because they lack a firm grasp of the principles behind the code.

This over-reliance on tutorials can create a false sense of accomplishment. When faced with unique challenges, these developers often freeze, unable to deviate from the patterns shown in tutorials.

Bridging the Gap: From Syntax to Engineering

I know that in this list everything has been mentioned several times in the software community, but they are not repeated/regarded enough apparently:

  • Emphasize Computer Science Fundamentals: Encourage learners to study data structures, algorithms, and design patterns. These concepts are language-agnostic and form the backbone of software engineering. Most people do not need to be experts of course, but basic knowledge always comes in handy. And even if you end up disagreeing with some of this, because even experienced engineers may come up with bad abstractions, you have learned "the why" of the problem, you have a fundamented opinion, a perfectly valid one even if subjective.
  • Promote Project-Based Learning: Encourage developers to build complex, real-world projects that go beyond simple scripts or To-Do apps. This advice is very cliche, but it is the only way to truly understand software architecture and system design, which is something most tend to not pay enough attention about and when they find themselves in a situation where they need to make a decision, they tend to go with the simplest solution, which is not always the best one.
  • Foster a culture of Continuous Learning: The tech industry evolves rapidly. Instill the importance of staying updated with new technologies, best practices, and industry trends.
  • Encourage Code Reviews and Collaboration: Participate in open-source projects or peer code reviews. This exposure to different coding styles and problem-solving approaches is crucial for growth. We benefit from other developers' experience and knowledge, as we've said before, even if we don't agree, a bad lesson is sometimes a better lesson.

By implementing these strategies, we can help bridge the gap between knowing Python syntax and becoming a proficient software engineer, ensuring that Python's simplicity becomes a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block in a developer's journey.

Bonus: The obscurity of Decorators

This is a very interesting topic, and I'm not going to go into too much detail here, but I think it's worth mentioning. Even by really talented and experienced developers this is something that tends to produce resentment and criticism, because decorators modify the behavior of a function, which is some argue could make the code harder to trace and debug.

There are very idiomatic and simple ways of using them, which, being a Rust developer myself and these being very similar to procedural macros at a higher level, I think it's safe to say that they are not that obscure and are a pretty powerful tool. Many frameworks even relying on them heavily to enhance the DX of their code.

And can even be used personally to make your life easier without much effort, like:

import time

def benchmark(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        start_time = time.time()
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        end_time = time.time()
        print(f"Benchmark executed in {end_time-start_time:.6f} seconds.")
        return result
    return wrapper

def slow_function():
    for _ in range(10**6):


This is a very simple example, but it shows how you can use decorators to add functionality to a function without modifying its code, which is something that is very common in Python and can be done in Rust and many popular languages where it is used heavily.


I hope this post has been useful and has given you some insight into the complexity of Python and the challenges that developers face when learning it. I'm sure you've learned a lot about the language and how it can be used to solve problems, but I also hope that you've gained some perspective on the challenges that developers face when learning a new language.

If you find any issue with this posts content or the way I express myself, please let me know ;), I'm always open to feedback and suggestions as a very unexperienced writer myself at the moment I'm writing this.