Hello World!
If you are reading this you probably already know who I am, a teenage software developer from Spain, my name is David, but most know me as Aster :).
The spark
Let's take this from the beginning, so you know where I'm coming from. I began to be, at least, curious about coding when I was just a kid (at the moment I'm writing this I'm 17 years old), because my father decided to study his second university degree, Computer Science, and was handed an assignment to make Space Invaders
in Java, and tested the game he made with me.
First try
After, that several years passed, until I was already in my first year of high school at 12 years old, when for some reason I can't even remember I wanted to give this craft a try. Of course as you may imagine by that previous experience, I asked if he could teach me since I didn't know where should I start or what to do jajaja. He opened his Eclipse IDE in Windows 7 Pro and there I went, I only lasted two weeks of course, I was a kid trying to understand what a function was in a language where "Hello World" spans dozens of characters, but anyway let's take another leap forward.
Ok, now this time for real
Now you find me at 15 years old, that being two years ago at the moment (December 2024 right now) might feel like yesterday to most but I'm a teen, that's like 11% of my life (which if you think about it is a lot). I started playing with Python as everyone that starts coding after 2010 usually does, had my VSCode running on the Windows 10 without activation key, and was simply ready to go, This time I took two months before I was bored of Flask
and Jinja
, but without that I don't think I would be writing this today to tell you jejeje.
This is one of the reasons why Python holds a special place in my heart, as I'd think it does for most the first language they ever learnt and actually enjoyed, or even if you didn't really enjoy you'll get those memories and get that feeling "how far I've come haven't I?".
Hell yeah, now we are talking
And now the big moment, what we were all waiting for, July 2024, I just turned 17 years old, I came across some of my old toy websites in that directory you forget about in your old pendrive, and I was like, "damn, maybe I should try this", because I'm that kind of person that (used) to waste their summer without actually doing anything productive. I went all in, I was extremely motivated, watched some YouTube tutorials, and created my now, if I dare say it, quite decent sized Twitter account @4ster_light, where I share everything about my projects and learning by the way. As much as I sometimes get frustrated with that app, it's the core of my journey as a developer and I owe so much to it, it and all the people there that support me keep me doing what I do and I love it more each day.
A quick summary is that I love programming languages and the web, I like to try languages as a hobby, getting to know them and expanding my knowledge about any programming style or paradigm that exists and can improve my current skills, this opinion is always changing but I'm going to leave it here so you or me can come back look at it and laugh for a moment: The languages I enjoy to write the most and the ones I currently see myself using in the future are: Python, Rust, OCaml, Go, Lua, Haskell, and RACKET (which by the way explains the little λ on my socials), all for different reasons, the most interesting ones right now for me being Racket, Ocaml and Rust.
Probably my GitHub gives a better view of my stuff either now or whenever you are reading this so, have a look and enjoy! (Click here)
See you around :)
So, yeah, that's pretty much my story and who I am, I may have changed in the future, as I've mentioned several times I'm writing this at 17 years old. My writing skills nor storytelling capabilities may not be the best, but I'm sure I'll get better jajaja, I hope you enjoy all of my contents and/or apps, so, as said, SEE YOU AROUND!!!